June COVID-19 Update for Glenwood

Family visits begin with social distancing in place

We are taking small steps toward returning to normal operating procedures while providing as much safety and security for our staff and individuals served as possible.

  • In Residential we continue to monitor when we might safely discontinue isolation. At this time, we plan to remain in isolation through July. We have begun controlled visits with residents and their family members. Visits to homes may take place outdoors with strict protocols. Visitors are screened – including temperatures taken, hands washed, and gloves and masks are worn. They are also asked to maintain 6’ distancing. Several visits have already taken place and all are loving it. There are smiles all around! The team – including the care staff and behavior therapists – are working to make it easier by adding activities at the homes such as art projects, puzzles, walks and using the lakes on campus. The pool is now open, along with paddle boats and canoes, offers lots of opportunities to enjoy water and sunshine. We’re thankful to many who have donated treats for residents and staff including: Capstone Collegiate Communities, Dreamcakes, Full Moon, Golden Flake, Mayfield, Church of the Highlands, Refresh Family Church and Shades Mountain Baptist Church’s Special Needs Ministry. We have moved toward a return to home visitation with family and eventually to community outings.
  • Several residents have begun home visits off-campus with their families. Families are asked to follow CDC guidelines. Upon return to campus, we monitor temperatures of individuals. The visits have helped residents who were missing family.
  • Allan Cott School for children with autism and Lakeview School for boys with severe emotional and behavioral disorders are planning to reopen on August 6th.
    Sullivan Center and Journey Academy – day programs for adults with autism – are both getting visits from the adults for activities with great care on cleaning between visits.
  • Outpatient Services has resumed in full, with steady diagnosis, evaluation, therapy and counseling services on-site and in person.
  • Family and Community Services, which provides in-home treatment, is back in operation as well.
  • The Children’s Center’s services are currently suspended and we hope to open again soon.