Autism Acceptance Month
Autism Acceptance Month begins in April and you may notice a growing change. The autism community is shifting from Awareness to Acceptance. “It’s not enough to know that someone has autism, we need to accept and push for inclusion so that individuals can fully participate in our social fabric,” said Christopher Banks, president and CEO of the Autism Society.
The prevalence of autism in the United States has risen from 1 in 125 children in 2010 to 1 in 54 in 2020. Autism Acceptance Month is a time to push for more opportunities, community partnerships, and more inclusive experiences for people with autism. Click here to read more about the change to acceptance. Glenwood is proud to be a leader in serving families touched by autism. Unique in the services we provide from as early as 15 months throughout adulthood, Glenwood served more than 7,000 families last year.
As Autism Acceptance Month continues, we will be celebrating those on the spectrum, their families, and the people who help to better their lives. We look forward to sharing these stories with you!