A Very Special Christmas Moment

Sometimes you witness something so special, it’s hard to describe. When you know of a 40-year-old woman who is on the severe end of the autism spectrum, and who has no family (except the Glenwood staff who work with her daily) it’s touching to know that people who don’t know her are willing to help.

I’ll call her Candy, and here’s what I saw. Candy says few words. As presents with bows were brought in, she said, “Ho, Ho, Ho.” She was ready to receive.

She saw friendly, open faces and sensed giving hearts. She said, “Hold,” as she offered a hug, and another hug. And another hug. She was in the spirit of giving and receiving.

She opened clothes – pants, a shirt, underwear, and washcloths – necessities that most of us just buy for ourselves whenever we want. She buried her face in a warm, fuzzy blanket. She opened a box to find a shiny necklace and bracelet and put them on immediately. She borrowed someone’s phone case with a pink strap and rhinestones and put it on as a necklace as well. She loves bling. Candy was obviously happy.

Two other words she knows well and said sweetly as she opened each gift were, “Thank you.”

Remembering this scene of joy, wonder and thankfulness brings tears to my eyes, and I wish that you could have witnessed it. Your support made it possible for one adult with autism to receive some extra special attention at Christmas. This story is just one example of how your donation through Operation Santa Claus 2019 was a big success.

On behalf of Candy and 19 other adults, “Thank you.”