A Mother’s Story

Three years ago, I was filled with fear and doubt and uncertainty of my son’s future. Hayes was documented as “non-verbal” at almost 3 years old. I didn’t think I would ever hear my son say “mama” or “I love you” or sing songs or function age appropriately. I found myself on my knees praying for answers and divine intervention for my beautiful baby boy who would not speak a word.

Then, in His perfect timing, God placed us in the care of the wonderful people and therapists at Glenwood. Hayes started speech therapy at the Montgomery campus and it quickly became our “happy place”… our escape. I had endless questions for his therapists. I was unsure if therapy would help him, unsure that he would ever start speaking. I have shed many tears, some happy tears, some scared tears…..and proud, happy tears. Glenwood has worked miracles with my son. We have watched him transition from a 3-year-old who would only grunt and whine to a 5-year-old with the articulation level of a 7-year-old and an ever-expanding vocabulary. He has accomplished a level of learning and comprehension that I only dreamed of a year ago. Thank you, God for your grace and blessings and for placing us in the care of the wonderful people at Glenwood. I believed in his potential, I believed in his therapists, I believed in Glenwood, and it has been worth all the miles and all the effort. Early intervention is key.

Glenwood will always hold a special place in my heart. The staff and therapists are amazing, and a GODSEND to my son and all the other kids they help each day. Glenwood has become a special place for me and my family. It’s a safe haven, a place of healing, a place where scared, fearful, broken hearts find hope and peace. Glenwood is our happy place, and it always will be. With their help, Hayes is now a successful Pre-K student, and ready for Kindergarten next year. He talks in complete sentences, asks questions, and makes friends. Hayes’s challenges are not over, but thanks to Glenwood, his future is full of promise.

We thank Glenwood for the difference they have made in our world. You, too, can help make a difference for families like mine! As a nonprofit, Glenwood relies on community support to continue being able to serve and make a difference. We are asking for you to help other broken hearts find hope and peace.

Will you help?

Please consider donating to Glenwood by midnight on December 31st. Your gift will keep the miracles coming for little ones in need. We appreciate any contribution to support “Hayes’s Happy Place.” Together, we can make a big difference in the lives of so many.

~Laci, mother of Hayes

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